We asked 2,000 insurance consumers from around the world what they feel general insurers are doing well, what their buying preferences are, and in what areas the industry can improve.
The in-depth feedback and rich data about how consumers are engaging with the industry, their willingness to switch providers and what they think of insurance innovations offer significant strategic opportunities for insurance providers regionally and globally.
Some key findings include:
- Over 50% of all respondents mentioned that customer service was the determining factor in rating their insurance purchasing experience over the price of insurance.
- 48% of respondents would find it appealing if an insurance provider offered them an ‘add-on’ product, this increased to two-thirds of those under 35 years old.
- Nearly 70% of respondents feel their insurance company treats them as an individual and a similar number responded that the company cares about its customers. Customers in the US are the most positive.